First ISGS International Go Conference: Call for Papers
The International Society of Go Studies (ISGS) announced their first International Go Conference on 2023 August 31 in cooperation with the Department of Go Studies at Myongji University in Yongin (South Korea). The conference theme is ‘Go in the age of A.I.’ and ISGS editorial chair Bae Incheol invites scholars to present their research findings about:
- the status of Go in the age of A.I.;
- technical features or unique aspects of Go bots;
- estimation or evolutionary paths of Go in the future; or
- other Go-related topics in the age of A.I.
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit a presentation proposal by May 31, 2023 to Speakers of accepted proposals will be notified by June 20, 2023. Accepted speakers from abroad will receive 500,000 KRW in addition to free meals and accommodation for four days, three nights for their presentation and paper.
More information is available at