Korea wins the Nongshim Cup
In the 13th and final match of the Nongshim Cup played in Shanghai on March 14th, Kim Jiseok defeated Ke Jie and assured Korea the victory in the prestigious team tournament . It is Korea’s first victory since 2013.
In the interview made by the Wulu website after the match, Kim answered some questions about the game and about his opponent:
Wulu: How do you feel after winning the Cup?
Kim: Although this is the third time for me to play in this tournament it is the first time that my team wins and I was the last player left standing.
W: How was the game?
K: Just like yesterday, I made some mistakes in the mid-game, but Ke committed some mistakes too and I was able to take advantage. Though I didn’t play very well, I won the game and I am satisfied with the result.
W: How do you like Ke?
K: He is an excellent player but sometimes makes mistakes, like me.
W: Congratulations!